Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question? It might be answered here!
If it isn't, you can drop us an e-mail or join our Discord to chat to Staff.
I just found TDU World, How do I get started?
Do I need to own a legal copy of TDU2 to play TDU World?
You will need an original copy of TDU2, and these came in DVD or Digital Download formats (Steam or Atari Direct Download).
If you don't have a copy of TDU2, you can source it below, but you will still need a way to activate!
Get TDU2
If you don't have a copy of TDU2, you can source it below, but you will still need a way to activate!
Get TDU2
The launcher is detected as a virus! Why?
This is a false positive.
We actively monitor all code we use and ensure it only does what it is supposed to do, please be assured we will only ever release legitimate items from TDU World.
Should you have this issue, please add the launcher as an exception to your security. This does not affect all users.
We actively monitor all code we use and ensure it only does what it is supposed to do, please be assured we will only ever release legitimate items from TDU World.
Should you have this issue, please add the launcher as an exception to your security. This does not affect all users.
I played TDU2 in the past, and I still have my old save game. Can I use it with TDU World?
We strongly recommend that you start a new save game, as we have made a lot of changes to gameplay with our mods.
Old Atari Saves can be used, however you will lose some data, including but not limited to Clubs.
Please note, if you used any other modifications or cheats including but not limited to vehicle swapping and money hacking, these might get you banned.
Old Atari Saves can be used, however you will lose some data, including but not limited to Clubs.
Please note, if you used any other modifications or cheats including but not limited to vehicle swapping and money hacking, these might get you banned.
Does TDU World support Mods?
For the best experience for all players online, We only allow the mods listed in our Launcher's Mod Manager.
Side-loading any other mods can break your game, and in some cases, you may even be banned.
The only exception at this time is TDU2 Cam Hack 1.4. It works with TDU World, and you can source it from here:
Get TDU2 Cam Hack
Side-loading any other mods can break your game, and in some cases, you may even be banned.
The only exception at this time is TDU2 Cam Hack 1.4. It works with TDU World, and you can source it from here:
Get TDU2 Cam Hack
Can I use another launcher to play TDU World?
Use of Universal Launcher, official UpLauncher and any other launchers is strictly prohibited.
This is because they cause issues with gameplay online.
If we find that your usage of other launchers is causing problems to other players, you may be banned.
This is because they cause issues with gameplay online.
If we find that your usage of other launchers is causing problems to other players, you may be banned.
What about flight mods, database edits, money hacks, CheatEngine etc.?
If you're found to be using these kinds of mods or tools, you will be banned from TDU World permanently.
No questions, no exceptions, no discussion. This is a no cheat zone. Play the game properly, be fair.
No questions, no exceptions, no discussion. This is a no cheat zone. Play the game properly, be fair.
Common Issues
My game won't start! No game loads, or just a black screen!
It is possible that your game installation is broken.
This is especially prevalent in cases where players have multiple installations of the game running in their system.
We recommend that you have only 1 clean game install, and then install TDU World.
Uninstall TDU2 and TDU World using TDU World's Uninstaller, then follow our setup guide linked below.
Install Guide
This is especially prevalent in cases where players have multiple installations of the game running in their system.
We recommend that you have only 1 clean game install, and then install TDU World.
Uninstall TDU2 and TDU World using TDU World's Uninstaller, then follow our setup guide linked below.
Install Guide
Error: 'Game must be launched via Steam'
You must own a copy of the game in your Steam Library to use Steam Overlay + Achievements.
If you do, Please make sure:
Steam is open
"Steam_API.dll" file and a "Steam_APPID.txt" file with the number "9930" inside it are in your game folder.
TDU2 will not run if you do not own the Steam Version in your library, if this is the case, remove Steam_API.dll from your game folder and it should start working again.
If you do, Please make sure:
Steam is open
"Steam_API.dll" file and a "Steam_APPID.txt" file with the number "9930" inside it are in your game folder.
TDU2 will not run if you do not own the Steam Version in your library, if this is the case, remove Steam_API.dll from your game folder and it should start working again.
My game keeps crashing, and the map freezes!
There is a known issue with TDU2's graphics code that causes random crashes and the map to freeze if you're running a GPU newer than approximately 2020 (AMD Radeon RX, Nvidia RTX and GTX 1060 or newer)
In Mod Manager inside of our Launcher, we provide 2 GPU patches that you can try: DXVK and DGVoodoo.
Our recommendation is to use DGVoodoo, however you may experience better results with DXVK. Give each one a try and see what works best for you.
Click the button below and follow the steps.
DGVoodoo Guide
Important note: you have to run DGVoodoo Control Panel AS ADMINISTRATOR - otherwise your settings won't be saved.
If you're still experiencing issues, please join our Discord. The TDU World Staff may be able to provide further assistance to help you get back up and running.
In Mod Manager inside of our Launcher, we provide 2 GPU patches that you can try: DXVK and DGVoodoo.
Our recommendation is to use DGVoodoo, however you may experience better results with DXVK. Give each one a try and see what works best for you.
To install DXVK, simply open the Mod Manager in the TDU World Launcher, select the "Graphics" list, Click "DXVK" and click "Install".DGVoodoo
To install DGVoodoo, we created a helpful video guide.Click the button below and follow the steps.
DGVoodoo Guide
Important note: you have to run DGVoodoo Control Panel AS ADMINISTRATOR - otherwise your settings won't be saved.
If you're still experiencing issues, please join our Discord. The TDU World Staff may be able to provide further assistance to help you get back up and running.
I can't see anyone in freeroam! Why?
Confirm that the NAT Status in your launcher is Fully Open.
If not, you may experience issues connecting to other players.
You may need to make sure UDP Port 8889 is Opened in your router settings.
If not, you may experience issues connecting to other players.
You may need to make sure UDP Port 8889 is Opened in your router settings.
A feature in the TDU World is not working! Why?
Please double check the website to learn more about the features we currently support
TDU World's Game Servers are evolving every month and are still not fully complete yet, so you may occasionally find an issue.
TDU World's Game Servers are evolving every month and are still not fully complete yet, so you may occasionally find an issue.
In Game Error Messages
The TDU World servers are unavailable
Please make sure that the TDU2 Game Folder is not marked as Read-Only.
TDU World Launcher and TDU2 must be unblocked from any security systems including your Firewall.
If you see this error while you're online, please wait a while and try again as a server error happened.
TDU World Launcher and TDU2 must be unblocked from any security systems including your Firewall.
If you see this error while you're online, please wait a while and try again as a server error happened.
Username and password do not match TDU World account.
You must have a TDU World Account and make sure it is activated with a good e-mail address.
Make sure your Username and Password are correct.
Make sure your Username and Password are correct.
Profile already exists on TDU World
Double check your username and password.
If you're sure it's correct, someone else might have taken that profile name already, so try another.
If you're sure it's correct, someone else might have taken that profile name already, so try another.
Key used too many times/Key invalid
You must make sure you use the same CD Key you used when you first signed into TDU World.
If you lost it, or can't remember and activated with a different key, please contact us to reset your account.
If you lost it, or can't remember and activated with a different key, please contact us to reset your account.